Thursday 7 August 2008

Minister Moloney Welcomes The Launch Of The Report By The Mental Health Commission On The Operation Of Part 2 Of The Mental Health Act, 2001

�Mr. John Moloney T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Health And Children welcomed the publication of the Mental Health Commission's Report on the operation of Part 2 of the Mental Health Act, 2001. The Commission's report provides an external comment on the Mental Health Act, an information report relating to the operational activity arising from the commencement of Part 2 and the findings of a public consultation exercise.

Part 2 of the Act provides for a system of independent followup by a Mental Health Tribunal of a person's involuntary detention for psychiatric care and treatment. Prior to the implementation of Part 2 of the Act in November 2006, there was no independent review of involuntary detention in Ireland and, in general, those detained against their testament in psychiatric hospitals remained there until the relevant consultant head-shrinker determined that they should be discharged.

"The successful implementation of Part 2 of the Act represented a very significant reform of the manner in which mental health services in Ireland are provided to the most